Premi e certificazioni

Numerosi i premi e i riconoscimenti, nazionali e internazionali riconosciuti al grande impegno e al lavoro di Carosello:

2024 CNCC Certificate of Merit Carosello sostenibile per vocazione
2023 CNCC Certificate of Merit Time Capsule
2023 CNCC Certificate of Merit Carosello 50 Anniversary 

2017 CNCC Best of Category Services
2017 CNCC Certificate of Merit Carosello Anatomy
2016 CNCC Award We Live Shopping Sales Promotion
2015 Gold ICSC Solal Marketing Award Due Cuori e un Carosello winner for Brand Awarness & (Re) Positioning
2015 CNCC Award Consumer e advertising campaign
2015 CNCC Award #Caroselfie Cause e related marketing
2015 CNCC Merit Palla ai centri New Media
2014 CNCC Award Happy Carosello certificate of merit for on-line  event in the New Media Category
2014 Silver ICSC Solal Marketing Award Superclassifica shopping winner for on-line event in the integrated Digital Campaigns
2014 CNCC Merit for on-line event in the New Media Category
2013 CNCC Award Maratona Web winner for on-line event in the New Media Category
2012 CNCC Award Facce da Carosello winner for on-line event in the Digital Media Category

CNCC – Merit 2022 “La Divina Vincita”, Milan 2022

CNCC – Best of category Emerging technology “Shop&Shock”, Milan 2022

CNCC – Best of category Brand awareness “Lo Shopping Ganzo”, Milan 2019

CNCC – Certificate of Merit, CSR Campaign #iomiaffido, Milan 2019

CNCC – Best of Category New Media “Gigli are social – da WikiGigli e ReferenDog”, Milan 2017

CNCC – Certificate of Merit, Grand Opening, Refurbishment, Extension “20° Anniversario I Gigli – Venti, Gigli e Vinci”, Milan 2017

CNCC – Merit 2016 Consumer and Adv Campaign “Dichiarazione di indipendenza dei Gigli”, Milan 2016

CNCC – Best of the Best, Milan 2015

CNCC – Best of category, Milan 2014

ICSC – Solal Silver, London 2013

CNCC – Best of the best 2012, Milan 2012

CNCC – Best Alternative Revenue, Milan 2012

CNCC – Certificate of Merit, Milan 2012

CNCC – Certificate of Merit, Milan 2011

CNCC – Certificate of Merit, Milan 2010

CNCC – Excellence Finalist, Milan 2008

CNCC – Excellence Certificate of Merit, Milan 2007

CNCC – Excellence Award, Milan 2003

JL – Solal Marketing Award, Turin 2001